
They came like ants, swarming the school.

Guns blazing, voices raised to decibels I could only assume,

My time was up.

Lined against the wall, everyday tasks now twisted.

Teachers pinned against the black board, red chalk newly scripted.

Self fulfilling prophecy, eyes now at the back of the head.

Some so much so, could no longer see a head.


Another dead lesson, everyday tasks now twisted…

Mathematics, as I panicked

Trying to sum up the time I existed.

History lessons, my life flashed before my eyes.


Terror from fellow pupils the fear in our eyes…

Over the hellish harmony of scared screams still singing, I could just about make out the sounds of the school bells ringing…


by @Sorom_tbte & @joelsydenham

Artwork by: Chidi3s (Joel Sydenham)  https://www.instagram.com/joelsydenham/

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